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Emmer: Democrats would rather stand in solidarity with terrorists than support our strongest ally in the Middle East

WASHINGTON – Today, Majority Whip Tom Emmer joined House Republican leadership in calling out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for threatening to block House Republicans’ Israel Security Assistance Support Act, which holds President Joe Biden accountable for unilaterally halting military aid to Israel.

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Whip Emmer: “One month ago, on April 13th, Senator Schumer tweeted: ‘We stand with Israel and its people, and the United States will do everything we can to support Israel’s defense against Iran.’ The following day, he said: ‘The U.S. commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad.’ Flash forward to yesterday when Senator Schumer said he will block our bill requiring President Biden to send military aid to Israel. Where is your support now, Senator? Was it always just lip service? Or do I need to buy you a new dictionary? Because last I checked, purposefully withholding resources from one of our most precious allies when they’re fighting for their very existence is not an ‘ironclad’ commitment to their defense. It’s aiding and abetting barbaric terrorists, whose sole mission is to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. Moral of the story: When Joe Biden and the Democrats try to tell you that they support Israel, don’t believe them. Actions speak much louder than words, and their actions have shown they would rather stand in solidarity with terrorists than support our strongest ally in the Middle East. Meanwhile, the world is watching, Iran and its proxies are taking note, but the American people and our allies can rest assured that House Republicans will not let up in our mission to ensure Israel has the resources it needs to end Hamas once and for all.”
