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Emmer: House Republicans will perform our Constitutional duty

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer today discussed Representative Ken Calvert’s (CA-41) Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act and the House’s expected floor vote on the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas.

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Whip Emmer: “First, I want to thank Ken Calvert for his work on the very important issue he just discussed. Thanks, Ken. Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas’ barbaric acts of terrorism, and it’s imperative that America stands with Israel in this fight. That is why I am a proud, original cosponsor of Ken’s bill, which will ensure Israel receives the resources it needs to protect innocent lives and end Hamas once and for all. With a simple up or down vote, Americans will soon find out whether the Democrats actually support our strongest ally in the Middle East. Later today, the House is also expected to consider impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas. This vote is the result of a thoughtful, nearly year-long investigation. The evidence uncovered by Chairman Green and his committee is clear: Secretary Mayorkas has willfully refused to enforce federal law, openly lied to Congress repeatedly, and has breached the American people’s trust. His malfeasance and active neglect has fueled the worst border crisis in our history and left innocent Americans to pay the price. As Al Sharpton, of all people, put it, what’s happening is an invasion. Because Secretary Mayorkas has failed to do his job, and he won’t do the honorable thing and resign, House Republicans will perform our Constitutional duty to the American people by voting to impeach. I believe that if we are serious about getting our borders under control and protecting our communities, impeachment is the necessary response. Americans, who have suffered for far too long under the Biden administration’s open-borders agenda, deserve nothing less.”
