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Emmer: House Republicans refuse to sit on the sidelines as Biden’s disturbing pattern of weakness continues

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer today discussed House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul’s (TX-10) No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, which permanently freezes the $6 billion ransom payment President Joe Biden made to Iran. Whip Emmer urged every member to “unequivocally support” this “commonsense bill” when it comes to the House floor for a vote Thursday.

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Whip Emmer: “Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary under President Obama, wrote in his 2014 memoir that Joe Biden has ‘been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.’ That statement couldn’t be more true today. From Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, to his failure to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party, to cutting billion-dollar deals with Iran – his blatant incompetence has been a slap in the face to our allies while emboldening our adversaries. Our House Republican majority was elected to counteract the Biden administration's failed policies, and that’s exactly what we’re going to continue to do this week. Chairman McCaul’s No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, which will be considered on the floor tomorrow, effectively freezes the $6 billion ransom payment Biden handed over to Iran. This is a commonsense bill that every lawmaker in this building should unequivocally support – Republican and Democrat. If you care about protecting America’s national security, extinguishing terrorism, and standing with our troops who have faced relentless attacks from Iran-backed proxies – then a ‘yes’ vote on this bill should be a no-brainer. Weakness invites aggression. And House Republicans refuse to sit on the sidelines as Biden’s disturbing pattern of weakness on the world stage continues to endanger us all.”
