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Emmer: We’re going to continue working to ensure that the digital economy is designed by Americans and emulates American values

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer today discussed the reintroduction of his bill, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Anti-Surveillance State Act, which “puts a check on unelected bureaucrats and ensures the United States' digital currency policy upholds our values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free-market competitiveness.”

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Whip Emmer: “Good morning – I hope you all had a successful and restful August. It’s good to be back in the People’s House where House Republicans are ready to continue delivering on our promises to the American people. One important aspect of our commonsense agenda is actually protecting Americans' financial privacy, particularly when it pertains to this lawless administrative state. That is why I reintroduced a bill yesterday called the Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act, which puts a check on unelected bureaucrats and ensures that the United States' digital currency policy upholds our values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free-market competitiveness. Recent actions from the Biden Administration have made it clear that they are not only itching to create a digital dollar, but they’re willing to trade Americans’ right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC. This bill ensures the future of crypto is in the hands of the American people – not the Administrative State – by prohibiting the Federal Reserve from creating a tool with unfettered insight into Americans’ financial data. If not open, permissionless, and private – like cash – a CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style surveillance tool that can be weaponized to oppress the American way of life. We’re not going to let that happen – not on House Republicans’ watch. I want to thank the Financial Services Committee for considering our bill this month, and we’re going to continue working to ensure that the digital economy is designed by Americans and emulates American values.”
