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Emmer: House Republicans keep delivering

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer today commemorated House Republicans' success in growing as a team and delivering on their promises to the American people.

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Whip Emmer: “Tested and proven. That has been the theme of our House Republican majority over the last six months. Remember during the Speaker’s race when the talking heads here in Washington said things like: ‘These Republicans can’t even run a one-car parade. How are they going to govern?’ I’m proud to stand here alongside my colleagues today and say that, under Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s leadership, we’ve proved them all wrong over and over again. Our majority has come a long way as a team over the last six months, and that growth has produced a long list of promises kept for the American people. Whether it was bipartisan energy legislation that lowers costs for families, or a comprehensive border security bill for the first time in 20 years, or a debt ceiling bill that no one believed we could pass, or the NDAA which gives our service members the largest pay increase in two decades – House Republicans just keep delivering commonsense pieces of legislation that protect and improve the lives of hardworking Americans. With a track record like that, it’s no wonder Democrats are being forced to come along with us as we govern. These are incredible stats, by the way, from a razor-thin majority and first-term Speaker who only controls one half of one third of the government. As we spend time in our home districts over the next month, we’re going to have a lot of important wins to discuss with our constituents. But our job is far from over. There’s still a lot of work to be done when it comes to things like reining in Washington’s reckless spending, holding the Biden administration accountable, and improving the lives of everyday Americans. We’ll continue to listen to our constituents while we’re at home, and we’ll be ready to come back in September and continue our streak of defying expectations and delivering on our promises for the American people.”
