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Emmer on the debt ceiling: The president hasn’t seen fit to stay in the country and deal with this problem

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer joined Fox Business’ Cavuto: Coast to Coast to discuss the latest on the debt ceiling after Joe Biden avoided negotiations to travel to Japan, now risking being the first president in history to default on the debt.

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Whip Emmer on Biden’s 14th Amendment threat:

“Janet Yellen said it would bring on a Constitutional crisis. Other Constitutional scholars have pointed this out. The Biden administration has even acknowledged previously that the 14th Amendment isn’t an option. So the fact they’re bringing it up now…suggests that they’re exactly where they’ve been for more than 100 days and that is with no ideas whatsoever in order to get the debt ceiling done, unlike Kevin McCarthy and the House Republicans who passed a bill now more than a month ago to deal with this crisis and get things resolved to protect the American people.”

Whip Emmer on a potential debt ceiling deal:

“There’s only one proposal out there and that’s the proposal, eminently reasonable, passed by House Republicans and Kevin McCarthy. The president hasn’t seen fit to stay in the country and deal with this problem. Now, the Senate isn’t even here. They should be taking the bill up and passing it. So before we talk about something that’s not happened, these discussions – if you can call them that over the last couple weeks – have basically yielded nothing. And we’ve got a president who is more interested in going out to lunch with the vice president and doing foreign trips rather than focusing on this immediate crisis here at home.”

“…Republicans have passed an eminently reasonable bill. It’s not about what Republicans are willing to lose, it’s what is President Biden and this administration willing to give? What are they going to do to not only protect the debt ceiling crisis but to put this country on a better path when it comes to our spending reforms, David. That is the issue. We’re spending $1.29 for every dollar we’re bringing in. Republicans are asking to raise the debt ceiling. We did $1.5 trillion in return for some very reasonable, transformational spending reforms – including those work requirements which are very modest for able-bodied, working-aged adults without dependents.”

Whip Emmer on a motion to vacate the chair:

Kevin McCarthy’s leadership yielded an incredible win with the debt ceiling bill that was passed more than a month ago, David. The administration, Wall Street, nobody thought Republicans could do that. We did. We’re the only ones that have provided a solution to avoid default. It is now up to the president to come to the table and make some real strides to try and address this issue, and once that happens then we can have that discussion.”

“I’m going to trust the Speaker’s judgment on what he’s doing right now. We’ll see what the president comes back to him. I have a feeling if the president tries to stonewall more – it’s been over 100 days – Kevin McCarthy’s going to suggest to him, tell Chuck Schumer to take the bill up in the Senate. Let’s avoid this crisis, and let’s get back to business here in Washington, D.C.”