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Emmer on the debt ceiling: The ball is in Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer’s court

WASHINGTON – Majority Whip Tom Emmer joined Fox Business’ Kudlow to discuss House Republicans’ Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 and Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s meeting with Joe Biden on the debt ceiling.

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Whip Emmer on Speaker McCarthy’s meeting with Joe Biden:

“Kevin McCarthy and the House Republicans led again, Larry. If you look at this Congress, they’re not doing anything over in the Senate. I think the biggest thing they’ve done since the beginning of the year in Chuck Schumer’s Senate was declare March ‘Maple Syrup Month.’ Aside from that, they’re not doing anything. We put this thing together with Kevin McCarthy’s leadership. We passed it off the House floor – it will be two weeks ago this Wednesday. This is the solution. There has been no meaningful fiscal reform done in this country in the last 30 years except the fiscal reforms that have come out of debt ceiling negotiations. At this point, the House Republicans under Kevin McCarthy’s leadership have done our job. The solution is sitting over in the Senate. Hopefully tomorrow, President Biden will show up and actually be able to say to our Speaker, ‘I agree with this, and I don’t agree with that.’ If you get those types of discussions, then perhaps the Speaker will have something to bring back to our members. Otherwise, the solution is over in the Senate. You want to prevent this Biden default? Pass the solution.”

Whip Emmer on the difference between a debt ceiling agreement and a budget:

“We’re a country that the CBO has told Republicans and Democrats in the House…that if you look at the payment for our debt over the last 80 years, it cost this country roughly a little over $9 trillion to cover the cost of our debt. In the next 10 years, if we don’t solve the spending issues that we have… it will cost us at least $10 trillion to service our debt. And by 2032, our debt will have overwhelmed everything else our government does to the tune of – we’ll be borrowing $200-$300 billion just to keep this country afloat. This has to change. Kevin McCarthy and Republicans have actually sent across a debt ceiling proposal that has some spending reforms that will save close to $5 trillion over the next 10 years, but that’s only the first step of getting your budget under control. The next step will be through the appropriations process where we’re going to have to start finding savings all throughout this government to put this on a better track for this generation and generations to come.”

Whip Emmer on House Democrats’ discharge petition threat:

“There’s no such thing as a clean debt bill. I know that’s the term that’s used, but there’s nothing more dirty. Essentially by doing what Joe Biden wants us to do, you’re giving him a blank checkbook to continue to spend this country in oblivion. So, no. There are no Republicans right now that are going to be party to that kind of mismanagement and malfeasance. We’re just not going to do it. And quite frankly, that is nothing more than a gimmick being raised by a minority that’s trying to be relevant with a White House that refuses to lead and a Senate that refuses to act. I get it. They feel frustrated just like the rest of us. But again, Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans have taken the first step by leading yet again. Hopefully the White House shows up for this meeting tomorrow with ideas on how we put not just our budget but this country in general, our finances, on track for success in the future.”
