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Emmer: Parents will never be left behind so long as House Republicans are in the Majority

Majority Whip Tom Emmer discussed House Republicans’ win in passing H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights Act, which delivers on a core tenet of the House Republican Majority’s Commitment to America and defends parents’ right to be involved in their child’s education.

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Whip Emmer: “As a dad of seven, I know firsthand how important it is for parents to know what’s happening in their child’s classroom. House Republicans are making sure that parents receive the transparency and accountability they deserve with this Parents Bill of Rights Act. According to the left, if you’re a concerned parent speaking out at a school board meeting – just like Kevin told us, the Speaker – you're a ‘domestic terrorist.’ And just this week, a Democrat Georgia state representative suggested that many parents are disqualified from having input in their child’s education because ‘a lot of those parents did not finish high school.’ Not only are these comments completely tone deaf – they are dangerous and downright wrong. We know that a child’s success depends on parental involvement, and Republicans will always make sure that parents have a seat at the table. This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some Members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents. Once again, House Republicans are governing on behalf of Americans while my colleagues across the aisle continue to default to the leftist lunacy their party has become beholden to. I want to make myself clear: Parents will never be left behind so long as House Republicans are in the Majority. Today was a big win for families as we brought another major piece of legislation, common sense, one step closer to the president's desk.”
